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Showing posts from November, 2018

Keyboard Shortcuts

We all use shortcuts in our daily life and so are the keyboard shortcuts they make our work easy like by  just pressing any particular button or combination of button we can do our work. So here are some keyboard shortcuts for  you- Let us start with the basic shortcuts:- Ctrl + C             to copy Ctrl + V             to paste Ctrl + O            to open a file Ctrl + Z             to Undo Ctrl + Y             to Redo Ctrl + F             to Find Ctrl + H            to Replace Ctrl + N            create a new document/file  Ctrl + S             to save Ctrl + Shift+S  to save as Ctrl + X            ...

Computer Facts

You may have used a computer, most of us also have computers at our home so here are 10 fascinating cyber facts for you:- The First Ever computer was ENIAC, of which full name was Electronic Number Integrator And Calculator, Weighed about 27 tons and took up an area of about 1800 Sq. Feet.  The ENIAC used so much of power, That whenever it was turned on the lights of the whole city would get dimmer ! The first hard drive was created in 1979 which could hold only 5 MB of data.   The companies of Apple, Microsoft ,And HP, Have one thing in common they all were started in a garage!  The Analytical Engine is considered as the first modern computer. Charles Babbage the creator of Analytical Engine is known as the father of computer. The first 1GB Hard Drive was announced in 1980,just one year after the first hard drive,Which costed about US$40,000 The First Personal Computer (pc) was Created By IBM. The first PC was create...